
What do I get with WIC?

At WIC, we have big hearts for small children! WIC provides the following services:

Healthy Foods: $50 – $100 cash value per person for nutritious foods, loaded monthly onto a CA WIC card and interactive mobile app.

Breastfeeding support: Our caring counselors offer prenatal classes, breast pump assistance, practical tips, and personalized breastfeeding support.

Nutrition education: Nutrition assessment and flexible, ongoing support tailored to your family’s individual needs by Registered Dietitians, Degreed Nutritionists and trained professionals.

Community referrals: Connections to comprehensive, necessary resources to raise a family, like health care, child care, housing and parenting support.

woman holding groceries that can be bought through WIC

Do I qualify for WIC?

pregnant woman who is eligible for WIC on phone

We invite you to apply for WIC if you live in San Diego County and meet one of the following:

  • You are pregnant (counts as two people) or
  • You experienced a pregnancy loss/termination or
  • You gave birth within the last six months or
  • You are breastfeeding a baby under age 1 or
  • You have a child under age 5 (including foster children, legal guardians and single fathers)

AND meet the following income requirements:

Number of people in family** Gross monthly income (as of 2024)***
2 $3,152
3 $3,981
4 $4,810
5 $5,640
6 $6,469

You may still qualify if you don’t meet the income requirements but you receive…

  • Medi-Cal
  • CalWORKs (TANF)
  • Calfresh (Food Stamps/ SNAP)
  • Unemployment benefits

*As of April 2024

**Pregnant people count as two people

***Military families, if you are unsure about how to count Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) or other income, please click here for more details or call us at 1-800-500-6411.

How do I apply?

To apply for WIC, follow the four steps below so we can reach out to you and get you enrolled on the program.


Fill out this form or call us at 1-800-500-6411 to schedule an eligibility appointment. You can reach us via phone at these times:

  • Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday
    8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m., 12:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
  • Wednesday
     9:45 a.m. – 12:00 p.m., 12:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.


Gather the following paperwork in preparation for your phone appointment and enrollment:

  • ID for anyone enrolling (including children)
  • Document verifying your residence in California
  • If applicable:
    • Proof of employment like a paycheck or tax return
    • Document verifying pregnancy


Complete your over-the-phone or in-person appointment with your counselor on your appointment date and time. If you qualify, your benefits are available immediately. They will also:

  • Evaluate the nutrition needs and desires of each person enrolling.
  • Assign a nutrition plan/food package to each person enrolling.
  • Review WIC’s services and benefits.
  • Teach you how to use your WIC benefits.


Buy your family’s groceries using your new WIC card and the California WIC app to make the shopping experience a breeze.

WIC mother holding baby on phone

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